Thank you once again for reading The Human Relief Project and for your interest in receiving my newsletter ‘Max's Writing Studio’. It is my creative playground for short fiction, behind-the-scenes insights into my novels, and reflections on my writer’s journey. A community of like-minded people who are interested in my near-future fiction and curious about the process of becoming and being a writer. Also: the first place to hear more about my upcoming books ;)

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In early 2024, I decided to create a Substack (aka newsletter) as my public playground, my personal digital gallery, my open studio. I know, studios are more common for visual artists. Sadly. I love the flair of walking into a painter’s studio. Seeing the materials, the tools, the paint. No matter how many different notebooks, pens, typewriters, or screens you buy, a writer’s desk just doesn’t have the same flair. But just imagining this Substack as my studio already liberates my mind to explore creative writing in manifold directions. 

Max’s Writing Studio is a space – without too much overthinking – I can build and have a community of like-minded people who are interested in my near-future fiction and curious about the process of becoming and being a writer. A community where – even though it is digital and asynchronous – we can have a conversation and build deeper connections. A community with whom one day – maybe decades from now – I can look back at a life lived to the fullest, one novel at a time. It’s the closest I can get to all of us sitting together, having a conversation in my actual writing studio (our home office needs some more upgrades to deserve this label 😄).

In this space, you will find written pieces about my novels, thoughts on the journey as a writer, and experiments with different formats. Who knows, I might even explore screenplays in the future. I hope you will enjoy what you read. Sometimes for the thoughts it provokes. Other times just for the smile it created on your face. Maybe, even for some inspiration for your own inner creative soul.

I don't have a fixed cadence for when I publish something. However, as a subscriber to my Substack, you can be sure to always be the first to know about any upcoming books of mine. And my free fiction writing I publish only there

Read some of my posts on Substack